Bless Your Family - Day 11 - Admiration

Bless Your Family, Day 11 – Admiration

Blessing Your Family, Admiration

Welcome to Day 11 of our Journey through “31 Days to Bless Your Family”!

Today’s theme is Admiration, the third post in my “TAR” acronym to keep a sweet environment for your marriage and family to thrive. Our first posts were Tenderness and Respect so we could properly frame the kind of Admiration that helps to Bless Your Family.

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We need to be cautious as some forms of admiration can be merely flattery and surface level. And we want to be wary of seductive admiration outside of our marriage and home that would steal our attention away. Admiration like this will be fleeting because it fails to reach the depth and understanding of a person’s true nature, their full value, or God’s purpose in them.

The admiration I am referring to does not also place your loved one/s on a pedestal beyond reality. Of course we are all human and have flaws.

However, a healthy Admiration develops naturally from our Undying Love, Tenderness and Respect for our loved one/s. It takes years, not brief moments, to deepen our understanding of a person, who they are, what they have gone through and accomplished. It takes years to understand how God is developing a person and their unique purposes and gifts. This is especially true of your children as you intentionally invest in their growth and come to admire the young men and women God is forming them to be.

What about the sweetness of your marriage? How has, or could your marriage be better if you esteemed and admired your spouse from a place of deeper understanding and appreciation of who God has created them to be? In what ways have you cherished and valued the qualities, the nature, and the person you are married to?

It can be like looking for treasure, for opportunities to find value and to increase our appreciation for our spouse. The admiration I have for my wife helps me to reserve more tenderness and respect for her, and I find myself seeing her best qualities. I admire the woman she has been, and who she is becoming.

When these three “TAR” characteristics exist in our marriage relationship, we can experience the greatest treasures life has to offer. These three practices can really help you to transform the environment of your marriage and home, and they will elevate the dynamics that help you to Bless Your Family.

[shareable cite=”@Eric_D_Jackson”]What positive things could you give your loved one/s a gold medal for? What would you brag about them to others? Show your admiration and esteem to love them and bless them.[/shareable]

Today’s “Dares and Prayers” shared in the video:

  • Love Dare – “Cherish
  • Love Dare For Parents – “Teaches
  • Power of a Praying Husband, Pray for – “Her Sexuality
  • Resolution – “be a man to love your wife
  • 31 Days of Building Your Family Values, Bible App Devotions – “Kindness
  • Courtship After Marriage


<YouTube video coming soon>


Daily Resources and References

Please review the Welcome to 31 Days to Bless Your Family post if you missed it. There are some starting resources and recommendations there. Your best resource will be a local Bible teaching church to plug into with your family, and be surrounded by a thriving and supportive community.

Special Thanks to Kendrick Brothers Productions for their books The Love Dare, The Love Dare for Parents, and The Resolution for Men. You can check out their movies, books etc on their site. Their site recommends a local church finder at:

For prayer from KLOVE Radio staff:

If today’s topic resonated with you please leave a question, or share something positive that is working for you in the comment section below.

Here’s to your family’s “purpose-filled and on-target day”!

God Bless You and Yours!

Be Kind - Eph 4:32
Be Kind – Eph 4:32
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