“No More Darkness” – Suicide, from Poem to Prevention

“No More Darkness” was a poem I wrote after my nephew committed suicide. It was meant to inspire a sense of hope and strength in those of us left behind that darkness would not triumph. Below are resources to help you or someone you care about who are struggling with depression, mental illness, and/or thoughts of suicide.

These resources below are meant to bring awareness, and to help us choose a different path than suicide, from poem to prevention – and to purpose.

We were never meant to carry all the burden of this world or of everyone we care about all on our own.

Your empathy cannot carry the weight of everyone else’s darkness and pain, or even your very own, without help. We all need help, support, encouragement, and hope.

Only God can know the depth and volume of all our suffering. Only He was meant to bear the weight of all the world’s darkness. And that is enough – to believe that someone does understand the pain, and does care intimately about you, and is strong enough to carry that burden and help each of us and those we love. That is where we find true and lasting triumph.

Resources to help those around you, or yourself:

“Underlying these statistics lurks the reality that suicide often reflects deep-seated suffering. Ninety percent of people who die by suicide have an underlying mental-health condition, especially depression, bipolar disorder, and substance abuse.” – The Gospel Coalition, How the Church Can Help In Suicide.
1. Stay Connected
2. Recognize the Warning Signs
3. Have a Conversation
4. Determine the Severity of the Crisis
5. Ask for Help

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline1-800-273-8255 and #988 is the 3-digit dialing code that routes to the NSPL. Options on the Get Help page are 800 phone or chat, Spanish calls, Veteran call/chat/text, TTY for Deaf + Hard of Hearing, as well as a Disaster Distress Helpline.

TEEN THINKING ABOUT SUICIDE – Focus On The Family – Resources – additional counseling services available for the family.

Additional mental health resources from Calvary Christian Church include Crisis Text and Chat options, as well as other needs, treatment, intervention and recovery options.

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