Marriage. It’s meant to be for life. It’s beautiful. At it’s best, marriage is a picture of God’s love for us. He’s the only one that can really love us forever. So how better to bring the eternal into your marriage than with prayer?
I’ve performed several weddings and done some marriage coaching with a whole lot of encouragement along the way. A while back I started giving the couples I performed weddings for a set of books as my gift to them. They were “The Power of a Praying Wife” and “The Power of a Praying Husband“, both by Stormie Omartian. These could be the seeds a couple might invest into their life and protect their love as they grew closer together and faced the joys and challenges of marriage.
Stormie had great success with the Praying Wife book and was begged to write the Praying Husband book, and has since gone on to add to the Power of Prayer book series. The wife and husband books have similar content but in a different order. For example, in the wife’s book prayer for the husband’s work, finances, and sexual needs is placed a lot earlier in the table of contents than it is in the husband’s version. In the husband’s version, his wife’s needs for her spirit, emotions, roles, and priorities are placed first. I used to lead a men’s Bible study group and we studied the husband’s book together and discussed how we could better husbands by applying what Stormie taught. The best value I gained as a man is that Stormie gave insight and vocabulary into understanding and praying for my wife’s needs in ways I never would have understood without her book.
Give your spouse the marriage gift for a lifetime – the power of a praying partner. Give them your all and invite God into your home and hearts to give them everything else you can’t.