Bless Your Family - Day 17 - Prayer

Bless Your Family, Day 17 – Prayer

Blessing Your Family, Prayer

Welcome to Day 17 of our Journey through “31 Days to Bless Your Family”!

Today’s theme is Prayer. In my opinion there is no more powerful resource available to Bless Our Families than through faith and inviting God into our marriage and parenting relationships, into our homes and into our extended family situations.

In our first day of this series, Getting Started, I shared that I would be writing these posts with a focus and sensitivity toward anyone that might be reading these posts with a hope to Bless Their Family. I admitted that I can only write from my own beliefs and experiences as a Christian, I chose topics that would apply to virtually any person’s family.

While all other topics in this series can be adapted to your personal beliefs and values without a faith or belief in the spiritual, this is the only one that I invite you to consider the spiritual for a moment. You may do all things humanly possible to Bless Your Family through your own individual (and limited) power and resources, but Prayer is the only thing that just might be able to do for your family what you alone cannot, no matter how hard you are trying.

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iPrayer – Three Types of Prayer for You Today

  1. inviting
  2. interceding
  3. intimate


Perhaps this is the first time you are considering faith in your own life journey and you are wondering if inviting God into your life and into your family might make all the difference you need to really, truly Bless Your Family. Your first steps may just be as simple as asking, “God, are you real?”, or “Are you really there?”, or “Please prove yourself to me”.

Like any new relationship, in any setting, you need an ice-breaker and inviting God in is just that, saying hello and starting a personal connection. “Hi God, you probably already know who I am, but I am ready to start knowing who you really are. My heart’s desire is for my marriage and my family, and I want to bless them in every way possible, but I need help. I cannot do everything I want to for my family in my own power. I’ve been trying and I want my marriage and family to be healthy and alive, to thrive and to be Blessed. I believe you want the same things too so I invite you into my life to help me, and to help my family.”

God speaks about family, His family, and adopting us as His children in a loving metaphor we can be a part of. If you have been exploring faith as an option and are ready to invite God into your life, to transform your life, to become His child, then perhaps He is leading you through His Holy Spirit to make the ultimate invitation prayer to accept His free gift of salvation through His Son.


This is where Prayer really starts to make the biggest difference for your family. If you have taken steps to invite God into your life and heart like above, then you are now walking in faith with Him, and He has given you His authority over your life and family. This means you can live and pray in confidence as you love and give of yourself to Bless Your Family. When you intercede on someone’s behalf you are taking up their cause.

What better way to Bless Your Family than to take up their cause, their very lives and blessings to God himself? God’s Word also tells us that His Spirit that lives in us prays and intercedes for us, translates our heart’s desires from inside of us to God’s heart directly, even the groaning deep inside us we cannot articulate. That’s the power of interceding prayer for our marriage and family. You are taking the very issues and cares of your heart for your family straight to the heart of God!

(Our interceding references below, in each Day’s Daily Dares and Prayer section, utilize Stormie Omartian’s Power of a Praying Husband/Wife series of books, and the App’s devotional study, “31 Days of Building Family Values” by Family ID.)

31 Days of Building Family Values
31 Days of Building Family Values

There is another benefit to interceding prayer if both you and your spouse are Christian believers. The same Spirit of God that lives in you also lives in your mate. Two immediate and powerful things that come to mind are: 1) when you silently pray for your spouse and marriage the Holy Spirit that works in your heart is also at work in your mate’s heart simultaneously and the two of you when yielding in faith to the Oneness of your marriage and the Spirit can be united and love each other like never before; and 2) when you and your spouse are united in prayer for your family you are leveraging all of the authority God has given you to focus on the Blessing of Your Family. There is no stronger alignment and power to Bless Your Family than that, and I pray that is what your marriage and family can experience.



Intimate Prayer as I refer to it here is intended to be your very personal prayer relationship with God. This is the deepening and enriching of your love with your Heavenly Father. This is where you grow personally in the grace and knowledge of Him, His Son, and His Spirit as you fellowship and walk with the very God of all Creation.

Recently I downloaded the audio version of Timothy Keller’s book “Prayer – Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with God“. I started listening to this book on my morning commute and loved it so much that I plan on making it part of my weekly morning routine for the whole year. (my only resolution, and different from the Life Plan and Quarterly Goals I set this past Fall/Q4. I’ve shared the book twice now with family, and I highly recommend it if you are looking to deepen and make your prayer with God more intimate and special.

In Keller’s book two things strike me in the very beginning. First, Keller is a pastor and an author of many faith books, and in his book on prayer he admits that he and his wife had not mastered the self-discipline of regular prayer together. This made me feel more comfortable because my wife and I do not regularly pray together outside of family meals. Couple prayer and devotion time almost seems like the Holy Grail of a faith-based marriage, but admittedly it is more rare. Let’s all admit that even a regular practice of prayer and/or meditation is hard enough just by ourselves!

Second, Keller describes in chapter two what it means to pray and how we might go about it as he lays out the basis for the rest of his book on prayer. He refers to an “intelligent mysticism” of not laying down his theology for a spiritual experience, but instead asking the Holy Spirit to teach him and lead him in Keller’s theology. Keller describes an experience where we can have joy in our prayer with God, an experience of our affections of the heart toward God alongside the convictions of our mind.


How can prayer begin to “invite” a greater level of blessing for your family? How might you begin to “intercede” more on behalf of your partner’s needs, your children’s needs? And how might you draw nearer to a more “intimate” relationship and practice of prayer with a God who loves you infinitely more than you can imagine and want to help you Bless Your Family?

Prayer, by Timothy Keller
Prayer, by Timothy Keller

[shareable cite=”@Eric_D_Jackson”]There is no more powerful resource available to Bless Our Families than through faith and inviting God into our marriage and parenting relationships, into our homes and into our extended family situations.[/shareable]

Today’s “Dares and Prayers” shared in the video:


<YouTube video coming soon> 



Daily Resources and References

Please review the Welcome to 31 Days to Bless Your Family post if you missed it. There are some starting resources and recommendations there. Your best resource will be a local Bible teaching church to plug into with your family, and be surrounded by a thriving and supportive community.

Special Thanks to Kendrick Brothers Productions for their books The Love Dare, The Love Dare for Parents, and The Resolution for Men. You can check out their movies, books etc on their site. Their site recommends a local church finder at:

For prayer from KLOVE Radio staff:


If today’s topic resonated with you please leave a question, or share something positive that is working for you in the comment section below.

Here’s to your family’s “purpose-filled and on-target day”!

God Bless You and Yours!


2 thoughts on “Bless Your Family, Day 17 – Prayer”

  1. Pingback: Bless Your Family, Day 30 - Intimacy and Sex |

  2. Pingback: Bless Your Family, Day 25 - Drama and Gossip Free Zone |

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